Git standard can follow

Git repository management standard
  1. We can keep master branch as production branch.
  2. We can create a branch develop from where developer can create branches for development.
  3. For feature development every developer will create branch from develop branch. And branch name will be in following convention feature/issue-no-issue-title
  4. For bug fixes developer will also create branch from develop branch. And follow convention like this bug/bug-no-bug-title.
  5. For hotfixes in production server developer will create branch from master branch and follow convention like this hotfix/issue-no-issue-name
  6. After development complete in features and bugs, all feature and bug branches will merge to develop branch.
  7. Git admin will create a branch with release tag before give a release and stop coding from release branch.
  8. If QA find any bugs in this release then release version will be change.
  9. Hot Fixes branch will be merge directly to master after changes tested bu QA and developer.
  1. Please pull develop branch to your working branch(except hotfix branch) and then push your changes. Then git admin can easily merge your branch to develop branch.
  2. Please follow following convention for git message when you commit your changes [refs #issue_no] - Short Description of your changes.

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